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eSyM for Researchers

What is eSyM?

eSyM is an electronic symptom management tool seamlessly integrated within Epic that allows patients to report their symptoms to their care teams in between clinic visits.


Patients can access eSyM through their MyChart portal, while clinicians can easily view patient-reported symptoms directly in their medical record.


eSyM is designed to help care teams track and react to symptoms before they escalate, which may:

  • improve symptom control and quality of life

  • prevent ED visits & hospitalizations

  • improve patient experience and satisfaction of care

The goal of eSyM is to decrease hospitalizations

eSyM aims to improve symptom management

Increased patient engagement can lead to better patient outcomes, including enhanced quality of life

Symptom monitoring can decrease the need for readmission

Tracking patient symptoms improves communication and efficiency

Why are programs like eSyM important?

What is the goal of eSyM?

The primary goal of eSyM is to reduce emergency department admissions and hospital visits within 30 days of beginning a new cancer treatment and/or after surgery. 

How will we know if eSyM provides value?

The value of eSyM will be evaluated by:


  • Monitoring if / how often patients use eSyM

  • Tracking patient outcomes including readmission rates and ED visits 

  • Asking all stakeholders, including patients, clinicians, and support staff, for feedback about eSyM and possible enhancements  

Which collaborators are
involved in the development of eSyM?

eSyM has been designed and developed by the SIMPRO (Symptom Management IMplementation of Patient Reported Outcomes in Oncology) consortium in partnership with Epic.


Funding for eSyM is through a National Cancer Institute Cancer Moonshot award.


eSyM is also being developed in collaboration with the IMPACT (Improving the Management of symPtoms during And following Cancer Treatment) consortium.

What is the SIMPRO consortium?

SIMPRO is 1 of 3 research centers funded by the National Cancer Institute that together comprise the IMPACT Consortium.


SIMPRO is a multi-disciplinary team of investigators from 6 health systems that care for patients from both rural and urban cancer centers.


The SIMPRO collaboration goal is to develop, refine, and implement eSyM.

If you have any questions, please contact us. 

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© 2024 SIMPRO Study Team (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Inc., Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lifespan Cancer Institute, West Virginia University Cancer Institute, Maine Medical Center). All Rights Reserved.

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